The only way to know if something is good is to give it a try! And saddles are no exception. A good saddle feels great both on and off the bike. Developed specifically for an upright riding position, this saddle is comfort perfected. Constructed using PONSO technology for noticeable pressure reduction, it's packed with clever and functional features. Like the dual-foam padding and Y-Shade technology – a comfortable Y-shaped upper foam layer. And the Natural Fit ergo-relief channel, which reduces pressure on the perineum. Even more pressure relief comes courtesy of the special fabric-covered Hammock Cuts – special cutouts that cradle the sit bones so it feels like you're sitting in a hammock. Pressure is shifted off the bones themselves and onto the less sensitive surrounding weight-bearing muscles. Shock-absorbing rail pockets reduce vibrations travelling up from the ground. And it's all wrapped up in a durable, comfortable, high-quality PU covering. Comfort. Perfected.
Pressure-relieving shell with PONSO technology; dual-foam padding with Y-Shade technology; Natural Fit ergo-relief-channel; Hammock Cuts for extra pressure relief; steel rails; shock-absorber rail pockets; high-quality PU covering; integrated saddle adapter mount (SILink); optimised for Upright position (Saddle Finder A)
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