The RIGID 100 PURE TWIN PACK comes with two high-security folding locks, two brackets and six keys. Constructed from high-performance, hardened stainless steel and certified as meeting the rigorous ART1 theft-prevention standard. A strong spring-loaded bolt makes the locks incredibly easy to use and close securely. The slim, elegant design doesn't just look good – it also shaves weight from the 100 cm folding lock to make it practical. Fits to virtually any bike. A low-profile side-opening bracket is simple to screw on in a range of positions or attach using the anti-slip touch fastener. Premium-quality materials and precise workmanship will fend off the most determined theft attempts and stand up to extreme weather conditions. Perfect protection, wherever you are.
High-security disk cylinder; plastic covers protect the frame from scratches; ART1 Certification; specially hardened locking bolt; stainless high performance steel; ice spray tested; saw protection; wear-resistant; certified pollutant-free; two holders with additional velcro fastening and four M5 screws; incl. six keys
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